Do you want to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and musculoskeletal disorders? You don´t know how to properly organize your workplace at home and in the office? Which chair, table or other ergo aids to buy?
BONUS! After the course, we will assess your office workplace free of charge.

Date: 14. 6. 2022 (8:00 - 15:00)
Method: Na Příkopě 43/31, 757 01 Valašské Meziříčí nebo Vaše kancelář
Content: Prevention of carpal tunnel and musculoskeletal syndrome
Visual and mental stress, burnout syndrome, working position
Workplace, peripherals, layout
Open space + sick building syndrome (SBS)
Ergonomic aids
Compensatory exercises
cs: Určeno pro: cs: Administrativní pracovníky a zaměstnance pracující doma
cs: V ceně kurzu skripta, závěrečný test, certifikát a dárek
Price: 990,- CZK (without VAT) / person
490,- CZK (without VAT) / person
(for 3 or more people / company)

Company order

Billing information


Language*: CZ

Payment*: By invoice

I agree with the business and cancellation conditions of ErgoCzech - ergonomics s.r.o.

I agree with the processing of personal data (see business conditions).
* marked fields are required.